I found a website of brilliant visualizations. The creator of these visualizations is Kim Albrecht, a visual researcher at metaLab in Berlin. Here is his website: http://kimalbrecht.com/
I copy a list of his visualization projects here:
- trump connections
- science paths
- 9/11
- movies of the 21 century
- cosmic web
- untangling tennis
- charting germany
- culturegraphy
- blood money
- data & typo
- meteorites
- atlas of powerlaws
- billionaires
- mira.li
- analysis of space
- typafrica
Here I would like to show several of these interesting visualizations.
Trump Connection
The first project entitled Trump connection is a network graph visualization of 1500 individuals and organizations connected directly and indirectly to Donald Trump.
Through Kim’s website, you can also explore and search certain names. For example, I searched Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba. Here is what I got.
You see, Jack Ma invested a company called CADRE in New York, which Jared Kushiner, the son-in-law of Trump, also invested.
Social Change in Germany
It is quite surprising, at least for me, a Chinese, to learn that there is still a widespread approval in the former communist east Germany. Kim Albrecht’s note for this is socialism is generally a good idea — it was just executed poorly.
All photos in this page are from Kim Albrecht.