A paper titled “How international are public administration journals? An analysis of the persistent Anglo‐American dominance in public administration journals” is published in Public Administration

近日,厦门大学公共事务学院刘建政课题组在公共管理学顶尖期刊Public Administration上发表了题为“公共管理期刊有多国际化?——对公共管理国际期刊中持续的盎格鲁主导地位的分析”(How international are public administration journals? An analysis of the persistent Anglo-American dominance in public administration journals. DOI: 10.1111/padm.13018)的研究论文。

Public Administration是当今历史最悠久的国际公共管理学杂志。2018年加盟美国政治学学会成为公共管理分会会刊,JCR影响因子在政治学和公共管理期刊中长期名列前茅,是公共管理学五大期刊之一。这篇论文的合作者是厦门大学公共事务学院2021级硕士生徐逸飞,2017级本科生张新昀,于文轩教授,以及中国人民大学公共管理学院仲浩天博士。其中刘建政博士是论文第一作者,仲浩天博士是论文通讯作者。论文全文链接是https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.13018。摘要如下。

This study provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of four dimensions (editors, editorial board members, authors, and geographical focus of research) of the internationalization of 45 major public administration journals and examines whether and how one dimension is related to the others. We find that Anglo-American dominance is significant and persistent across all four dimensions in most public administration journals during 2011–2020, with the dimension of editors being the most pronounced, followed by the dimension of editorial board members, the authors’ dimension, and the dimension of geographical focus of research. There are notable differences between journals. Further analyses show that the Anglo-American dominance in editors has a self-perpetuating tendency and is likely to lead to the Anglo-American dominance in editorial board members, which is further significantly and positively associated with the Anglo-American dominance in authors and the Anglo-American dominance in geographical foci of research in public administration journals.